
Short timeline for LBA set-up with an anti-drug specific antibody: How to quickly generate high affinity monoclonal antibodies tools?
Année de publication : 2023
Evenement : EBF
Téléchargement :

When is a process specific HCP ELISA assay required for HCP monutoring? Case study on the impact of cross-reactivity against the drug
In collaboration with BioCytex
Année de publication : 2023
Evenement : BEBPA
Téléchargement :

Validation of a process specific ELISA for the monitoring of HCP (BioCytex)
Année de publication : 2023
Evenement : EBF
Téléchargement :
Polyclonal solution for next generation multispecific antibody therapeutics: Examples of anti-idiotypic antibody development for ligand binding assay
année de publication : 2021
Evenement : EBF 2021
Management of Immunoassay Reagent for Bioanalytical Methods, an example with isatuximab antibody reagent (PK and ADA assays)
Année de publication : 2019
Evénement : European Bioanalysis Forum EBF
Development and characterization of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies targeting the direct oral anticoagulant Edoxaban
Année de publication : 2018
Evénement : ISTH
Development of the first Poiny-Of-Care test selective of the direct oral anticoagulant Apixaban for emergency assessment of coagulation
Année de publication : 2018
Evénement : ISTH
Evaluation of a new range of platelet agonists for the diagnosis of inherited or acquired platelet dysfunctions
Année de publication : 2018
Evénement : ISTH
Polyclonal and monoclonal antibody tools for the development of a sensitive pharmacokinetic assay in clinical phase I of a novel bispecific T-cell engager therapeutic monoclonal antibody
Année de publication : 2018
Evénement : EBF
Development and characterization of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies targeting the direct oral anticoagulant Apixaban
Année de publication : 2017
Evénement : ISTH
Generation of anti-drug antibody (ADA) reagents for the development of immunogenicity assays for a novel bispecific format
Année de publication : 2016
Evénement : EBF
Successful development of a key reagent and assay for detection of anti-drug antibodies for therapeutic antibody
Année de publication : 2013
Evénement : EBF